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Preispläne und Packages

  • Online Gym Abo

    Every month
    Werde fit von deinem Wohnzimmer aus! Wir trainieren in der Gruppe mit Body Weight Übungen (Eigenkörpergewicht) und Kampfsportelementen deine Kraft und Ausdauer.
    • Teilnahme am Online Gym jeden Dienstag von 18:30 - 19:00
  • Mehr Sport Motivation Basic

    Every month
    Durch die optimale Kombination von mentalem und physischem Training findest du deine Motivation + hältst sie langfristig. Dein optimales Package für einen kleinen Boost.
    Valid for 3 months
    • Genaue Zieldefinition, 20min zoom
    • Zugang zum Online Gym
    • Allgemeiner Mental Training Plan
    • Allgemeiner Trainingsplan
    • 1 Personal Training pro Monat
  • Mehr Sport Motivation BOOST

    Every month
    Gehen wir es RICHITG an. Durch die optimale Kombination von mentalem und physischem Training findest du deine Motivation + hältst sie langfristig. Dein ideales Package für einen optimalen Boost.
    Valid for 3 months
    • Genaue Zieldefinition, 20min zoom
    • Zugang zum Online Gym
    • 3x Mental Coaching Session
    • 3x Personal Training
    • 1x personalisierter Trainingsplan
  • Mehr Sport Motivation SUPERHERO

    Every month
    OK Superhero, los geht’s. Durch die optimale Kombination von mentalem und physischem Training musst du dich nie mehr auf «Motivation» verlassen. Dein optimales Package für den maximalen Boost.
    Valid for 3 months
    • Genaue Zieldefinition, 20min zoom
    • Zugang zum Online Gym
    • 9x Sessions nach Wahl (Training/ Coaching/ Ernährung)
    • 1x Personalisierter Trainingsplan Kraft
    • 1x Personalisierter Trainingsplan Ausdauer
    • Regelmässiger Check in, Accountability und Tipps

Personal Training Sessions:


Each personal training session lasts 60 minutes and takes place at Industriestrasse 25 in Volketswil or online upon request.

Prices starting from CHF 148.50*.


*10-Session Package: You'll receive 10 sessions of 60-minute personal training. Your investment is CHF 148.50 per session, totaling CHF 1,485.00. This is the most popular option among my clients.

5-Session Package: You'll receive 5 sessions of 60-minute personal training at CHF 165.00 per session, totaling CHF 825.00.

Single Session Price: CHF 179.00.

One-Time Trial Session: CHF 50.00.

Mental Coaching Sessions:

Each mental coaching session lasts 60 minutes and takes place at Industriestrasse 25 in Volketswil or online upon request.

Price per session: CHF 210.00

I can’t afford that.

I apologize for not being able to translate the following packages in English due to the technical features of the host. If you are interested in combining Mental Coaching and Training Sessions, please reach out to me.



I Can’t Afford That.

Personal Training:

There’s always a way. For example, you can bring a friend along, and the price stays the same for two-person groups.

We can also shorten the duration of the sessions or schedule them every two weeks. Together, we’ll figure out how to optimize your training so you can work out on your own in between.

Just reach out to me, and we’ll find a solution.

Mental Coaching:

Mental coaching can be life-changing. That’s why I believe everyone should have access to it. On the other hand, I also need to cover my own expenses. Here’s what I can offer:

For people going through tough life situations and for fighters from the martial arts community who are financially struggling, I offer mental coaching sessions at CHF 150.00 per session. These spots are limited to six per year.

How to get discounted sessions:

Send me an email at explaining in as much detail as possible why you need mental coaching and why you can’t afford it financially.

I reserve the right to accept or decline requests without explanation.




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